From Mimi's Pen
Mimi is a celebrated author who uses her creative voice to lift and inspire believers to discover love and romance according to God’s divine design. Blackberry Cobbler was written to honor her personal family journey and to pass along the wisdom that is a part of her family legacy. The Carondolette Family Series has been a journey she’s taken from the heart with the hopes of touching the lives of readers worldwide. Trinity's Hope is the first novel of the series.
The Carondolette Family Series

Trinity’s Hope, Book One in the Carondolette Family Series, tells the story of the youngest and shyest daughter, Trinity Hope Carondolette, as she embarks on a new and harrowing experience on a college campus. The first day she steps foot in the dorm, her life takes a series of twists and turns, after a startling encounter with a handsome fellow student. Along with juggling a potential new love and facing major challenges as the only female student in a highly competitive computer engineering program, Trinity struggles to hold her own in an unfamiliar environment. As faith, hope and love collide in her life, Trinity is determined to stay true to her family values, without tarnishing their legacy or ruining her good girl image.
If you love marrying your faith and your fiction, you’ll enjoy this heart-warming story for readers of all ages.
Great Novel for Mothers and Teen Daughters to Share
Great Resource for Church Single's and Youth Ministries
Great Reads for Friends and Faith-based Book Clubs

Destiny's Journey - Book 2
Destiny’s Journey, Book Two in the Carondolette Family Series follows the life of the middle child, Dr. Destiny Carondolette, as she finds herself deep in the heart of Tanzania. Assigned to serve a two-year stint at her family’s Mercy Medical Relief Center, this is the last place on the planet Destiny wants to be. Recovering from a broken heart and carrying the heavy baggage of deep disappointments, Destiny fights to rid herself from the ghosts her past, while working to rebuild her future. Between caring for her patients in the bush country and longing to fulfill her own deep yearnings for love, Destiny discovers an admirer from her past who may just turn her life in an entirely unexpected direction.
A Fictional Story About...
A Real Woman... In A Real Relationship... Serving A Real God
About Blackberry Cobbler
Jax Morrison IV, is a very successful New York corporate attorney, who falls in love with Nina Sanders, an equally accomplished, highly sought after literary editor. They seem to be a perfect match and can see a long, satisfying and prosperous future together as husband and wife. Only a long-held family tradition stands between them and their happily ever after.
According to family tradition, before she could agree to marry anyone, Nina has to bring her intended beau to meet the family matriarch, Mama Glory, who lived on a blackberry farm in rural Mississippi. Initially, Jax is totally against the idea, thinking it was an intrusive, unnecessary waste of his valuable time. Nevertheless, his love for Nina and a desire to please her, found him traveling deep into the back woods of Mississippi to meet Mama Glory.

Blackberry Cobbler
An Epic Novel About Life, Love & Legacy
Jax knows he's being put to the test, to see if he can pass the muster and gain Mama Glory's approval to marry Nina. To his utter dismay, he'd be spending an entire day with the octogenarian, with whom he had nothing in common, picking blackberries in the Mississippi heat. He is not impressed. True to form, Mama Glory has him up with the chickens, heading out to the blackberry groves, with no cell phone or any connection to the outside world. She rambles on for hours and hours on end, teaching him all about the land, the family history, how to pick blackberries and then how to make blackberry cobbler from scratch.
As the day progresses, Jax finds himself in the presence of one of the most eccentric, eclectic, wisest, sages he'd ever met. While they walk and talk, picking and baking, she recounts her life story and the family history, living and surviving the Jim Crow south, as she deposits volumes wisdom, knowledge and revelations on life into his very soul. As he listens and learns, Jax discovers that this encounter with Mama Glory would prove to be much much more significant for him and for Nina, as family secrets are revealed and souls are unburdened in a way that literally changes the trajectory of his life.
Blackberry Cobbler is a poignant family saga that redefines life, love and legacy in a fresh new way.
Marriage Chronicles
A Guide to a Resilient Marriage
Statistics state that over 50% of marriages end in divorce and 60% of Christian marriages fail. Marriages and relationships can be difficult at times especially when you don't have the tools to make your relationship resilient. As a collaborative work combining decades of marital experience, trials and victories, Marriage Chronicles brings a wealth of wisdom to help address these issues.
Marriage Chronicles is a guide packed with different shades of triumph over hardship in marriage and relationships declaring all marriages don't have to end in divorce. Whether you are dating, engaged, single waiting to be engaged, this guide will unfold transparent truths and strategic plans to help you understand the attacks behind mandated relationships and give you the tools needed to fight the right way.
Each Author will give a glimpse of their testimony to restoration from all situations such as, family differences, deception, adultery and much more.
****Bonus Section****
Dating tips and how to know if you're dating your GOD given mate.

Real-Life Success Stories
Reviews of "What God Has Joined Together"
Marriage Chronicles Chapter
by Melissa Mimi Ewell
“This book is so needed. Excellent! It’s wonderful and it has so much wisdom. The truth about marriage must be revealed to people so that they will have HIS heart concerning marriage.”
Evangelist Trina B Murphy
“The wisdom, revelation, and insight concerning marriage you share in this chapter is phenomenal. Reading it as a married woman, there were some powerful and practical nuggets I was able to take away and will apply to my own marriage. There were some, "Girl, she's talking about you moments" that made me both chuckle and search introspectively. There were those "aha" and "lightbulb" moments that gave me a new perspective on certain things. I feel empowered and enlightened in my role as a spouse!”
~Lakeisha Rainey-Collins
“I read your chapter and I think it is spot on. The content is relevant and engaging. It’s good teaching that when you marry the two must grow into one and that takes time and patience. Thank you for your obedience to His will. You are an inspiration.
~Traci Myrick Crooms
“What a pleasure it was for me to read the chapter "What God Has Joined Together". Anyone reading it, married or single, particularly with a desire to thrive in a Christian marriage, will be blessed. The chapter's foundation is on Mark 10:9 (NIV). It was thoroughly explained with wisdom and clarity, laid it out in a way that I personally never realized. This chapter is exceptionally written, and Melissa has rightly divided the Word.”
~Carla Y. Nix
“This is a must read for anyone preparing for marriage and an awesome resource for anyone already in marriage. It highlights the centrality of God in a marriage, as our creator He has everything about us figured out, even marriage. One of my favorite statements is 'Nothing soft ever sharpened anything. Nothing easy ever produced strength and resilience.' Understanding this aspect brings a whole new meaning to conflict we may experience and gives it perspective. The question God asks, 'have you done everything within My power’, is also very powerful, reminding us, that it is God who gives us the power to be continually molded to be all our spouse needs. Without God, we are doomed.”
~Prudence Karue